Friday, June 10, 2011

Obssesion #1: Baking

Well as you can tell by the tittle of this blog, yes I am indeed a chubby girl not just by body type but by heart. I love sweet treats. Soft serve ice cream and frozen yogurt are my go-to treats when I'm out and about with my boyfriend. Pizza and chips is a girls's sleepover delight! I love me some good old cake at feistas and weddings. Yet not a big fan of candy bars. (haha) What I love more than yummy treats is making my own. I love baking! I love putting out all the ingredients, setting out the mixing bowls, greasing the pans, pre-heating the oven ALL of it! Especially tasting the mixtures. ;) The aroma of cookies in the oven is delightful to me. I'm actually still a newbie to baking though. (Don't really follow the exact measurements for some ingredients)  My boyfriend was the one that got me into it actually we used to bake together a lot. Our first (successful) works of art were two  rainbow cakes that were delicious! Since then we have experimented with many other baked goods but when he doesn't visit I whip up my own creations that I'm quite proud of. (I have peanut butter cookies in the oven as I type) I'm still learning about what some ingredients are actually for ex. baking soda, baking powder, salt but its so much fun! So fare I've baked black and white cupcakes, oatmeal chocolate chip raisin cookies, chocolate vanilla chip cookies, chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies and now peanut butter cookies on my own. I hope I bake a lot more treats this year. Well happy baking everyone! Plus picture of mine and Marco's rainbow cakes below. xoxo

What do you guys think? Leave a comment below about your thoughts on baking.

